This Too, Shall Pass

I have always had an affinity for magazines and print media. By nature, print holds a sense of impermanence; however, I strongly believe that people like holding onto what is dear to them, physically or otherwise. In our rapidly changing world, not many things feel permanent, yet analog engagement — the very act of holding something in your hands — allows for a much different experience than reading something off a screen. We live in a world of limited attention spans: gifs and memes, and trending news stories that change on the daily. Finding time to read something that exists only in physical form has become an increasingly rare act, but it is one that allows for a unique and impactful personal connection.
Ephemera is a print project that aims to question and dissect the impact and influence of that which may otherwise be dismissed as frivolous or temporary. (Much like print as a medium).
By definition, “ephemera” refers to things that are used or enjoyed for a short time, or items that are expected to have only short-term usefulness or popularity. But, giving something a sense of deeper meaning than anticipated can allow it another life. Sure, nothing lasts forever, but then again, in some ways they do.
Images by: Dani Reynolds
The impetus for this project is twofold: (1) My aforementioned love for print and tangible experiences, and (2) hearing a Mariah Carey song playing at a taco restaurant, and immediately notifying my friends that it is my favourite of Mariah’s discography. (Fantasy, just FYI.) Naturally, the night turned into a sing along to Mariah Carey and Britney Spears, and realizing not only how much this music resonated with me, but also that in turn it has had an impact on millions of others. It means something that I know every single beat and lyric to Britney’s first two albums, and that I know I’m not the only one.
The focus of the inaugural issue of Ephemera is Pop Music — a genre of music that is made for its time, but has also taken on a larger life. Pop can be nostalgia-inducing, a guilty pleasure, or both. It can inspire community, while also being divisive and problematic. Pop is and always has been multifaceted. It is made up of patterns, both sonically and culturally.
Oftentimes, pop music is dismissed as irrelevant or unimportant, but it has the capacity to be incredibly influential, and moreover, worthy of intelligent engagement and discussion. The pages of Ephemera explore the ever-changing definition of pop music, and the lasting impact it (and its stars) can have from a personal standpoint, but also on a culture and society at a wider glance.
Ephemera is a collection of short fiction, essays, interviews, photos, and artwork curated and edited by Maegan Fidelino, and published by Kastor & Pollux. It aims to explore multiple perspectives from a variety of thinkers and image makers.
This issue features work by a collection of talented writers, artists and photographers:
Andy N. Smith /
Carolyn Tripp /
Christina Lo / @thelobot
Erica Whyte /
Helena Najm / @helenanajm
Jennifer Cheng /
Letticia Cosbert /
Lydia Pawlowsky / @lydiapawl
Marta Ryczko /
Nathan Levasseur /
Rachna Soun /
Rosemarie Alejandrino / @yesROSEMARIE
Sam White
Sofia Luu / @clubsensitive
Stefan Chua / @stefanchch
Sylvia B.
To support and purchase a copy of Ephemera ($20 CAD incl. shipping), please email or visit SOOP SOOP and Likely General in Toronto, ON!
Maegan Fidelino is a creative director and designer based in Toronto. Follow her on Instagram or visit her website.