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Product Styling

Striking It Rich in Oil

November 22, 2016
Switching to all natural beauty and skincare products feels like striking gold.

Photos by Dani Reynolds

After my frenzied obsession with the toxicity app, Think Dirty, I am dead-set on knowing how my beauty products are made. Finding ‘all natural’ beauty products is a seemingly daunting task, but a necessary challenge to better my skin and my conscience.
This photo series is a digital salute/head nod/half-body bow to the latest addition of my medicine cabinet: active botanical face oils. Unlike regular face products — packed with parabens, phthalates, synthetic fragrances, and other components — active botanical face oils have essential fatty acids and antioxidants that leave your skin feeling fresh and moisturized. This particular brand is a local company run by a female entrepreneur, F. Miller Skincare, earning it extra bonus points in my books.

Switch the feeling of striking gold
to striking it rich in (face) oil.



Body Oil and Toning Mist




Face Oil and Lip Balm