Find What Moves You with Sport Chek

Here at Kastor & Pollux, we’re no strangers to mixed back to school feelings. After all, we have our own [online & very exciting] SCHOOL, and I, Dani Roche, have been teaching at Sheridan College for the past 3 years. Just as common as September gloom, though, is pure elation at the prospect of learning something new (and getting a brand new wardrobe…at Sport Chek perhaps?)
No matter your feelings — positive or negative — one thing is for sure, and that is that we are truly seasoned pros when it comes to making back to school FUN.
To celebrate Sport Chek’s expansive back to school offerings, we designed 3 different “vignettes” designed for the entire family. This includes: Renting 3 sets of bleachers, spending thousands of dollars on vinyl appliques, making my boyfriend drive over 250km in a U-Haul truck, and watching Dani Reynolds bike around with a smoking bag of dry ice. No one ever said these types of projects are easy, but somehow our small little team makes do.
Under the hashtag #WhatMovesMe, a handful of the city’s most influential posted their back to school looks with Sport Chek (and sometimes, their newborn babies)! Happy back to school 🙂
With: Pomp & Circumstance PR
Creative direction + design: Dani Roche
Art direction: Dani Reynolds
Build: Ema Walters
Portrait photography: Elaine Fancy
Documentation: Dani Reynolds