WOW: From the Fingers of Kanye West

Kanye’s Twitter is an enigma. Although some of Kanye’s tweets are problematic (a lot of them actually), his Twitter is intriguing. The thing I love about Twitter in general is that it gives you a voice on the Internet – a platform to say whatever’s on your mind – whether it be changing your album name for the third time and making it official with a tweet, sharing your personal love and appreciation for Will Ferrell, or asking Mark Zuckerberg to invest 1 billion dollars in you. Kanye’s Twitter is emotional, rude, and completely unfiltered. He takes us through his thought process, giving us insight into the shell of a man we see in the media.
I dug into my collection of screenshots of Kanye tweets, and here are my faves:

1:49 PM – 24 Feb 2016
🔁: 250K Favourites: 190K

2:14 PM – 13 Mar 2016
🔁: 46K Favourites: 62K

12:44 AM – 10 Jan 2016
🔁: 80K Favourites: 140K

9:01 PM – 22 Sep 2015
🔁: 390K Favourites: 280K

12:43 AM – 15 Feb 2016
🔁: 27K Favourites: 49K
Do you love Kanye as much as Kanye loves Kanye?