Introducing the K&P Newsletter & Giveaway!

It’s May. Most of us have either just finished school, are getting ready to finish school, or are dreaming about the imminent summer and subsequent after-work happy hours that are fast approaching. No matter where you stand, don’t you think that you deserve something nice? A reward for #WORKing so hard and being the boss that you are? Here’s a “treat yourself” moment (except it’s us treating you lol) with the Kastor & Pollux Mailing List Giveaway!! Featuring all of our ~favourite~ things (FOR REAL), this *curated* giveaway was created JUST FOR YOU.

All you’ve got to do is sign up for the newsletter and you’re entered! If you were an early bird and already signed up for the newsletter, don’t worry: you’re still entered in the giveaway!

The first newsletter drops A.S.A.P Rocky. (jk – we wish tho), and it will feature the latest cool stuff from Kastor & Pollux, our top picks from around the web (including but not limited to this video lol), and super exclusive free downloads for K&P subscribers only!

~One lucky winner will receive~
One $100 Joe Fresh gift card
One NARSissist Eye Shadow Pallet
One CK2 perfume
One FujiFilm Insta Mini Camera
Three EOS Lip Balms
Six Essie Nail Polishes
Exclusive K&P Swag!

What are you waiting for??? Sign up today! Click on the envelope icon on the left side of your screen!
Official Kastor & Pollux Giveaway Rules:
2. Must be signed up for Kastor & Pollux Newsletter MailChimp
3. Entrants must be 13 years of age (with parent’s permission) or older and a resident of Canada
4. Contest will be open from May 11, 2016 12PM EST until May 20, 2016 11:59 PM EST.
5. Winner will be chosen at random
6. We will only choose one winner of the giveaway prize
7. Giveaway prize includes: One $100 Joe Fresh Gift card; One NARSissist Eye Shadow Pallet; One CK2 Perfume; One FujiFilm Insta Mini Camera (without film); Three EOS Lip Balms in Sweet Mint, Vanilla Mint, and Coconut Milk; Six Essie Nail Polishes in “No Place Like Chrome”, “Bachelorette Bash”, “Vices Versa”, “Taj Ma-Haul”, “Nama-Stay The Night”, and “Grow Faster Base Coat”; and Limited Edition KP Swag.
8. Winners will be contacted to obtain personal information for shipment of prize